Breeding rabbits is a significant process that requires careful preparation to ensure that both the mother doe and the buck are in good health and ready to produce a healthy litter. Without proper preparation, the breeding process can be stressful and result in a less healthy litter, or e…
In the Philippines, rabbit farming is a lucrative and developing industry that provides farmers with a number of advantages. It has comparatively minimal start-up expenses and is simple to administer. It offers a profitable and sustainable alternative to traditional livestock produ…
Rabbits are adorable creatures that make wonderful pets. They are also raised for their meat and fur, which is why it is important to ensure that they grow healthy. A healthy rabbit is an active, curious, and friendly animal that has a shiny coat and bright eyes. In this blog, we will dis…
Rabbits are wonderful and rewarding pets to keep. They are known for their soft fur, cute twitching noses, and playful nature. However, rabbits require proper care and attention to thrive, especially when they are newly weaned or when preparing them for breeding. Here are some tips on h…
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About Me

- Jeythan
- Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines
- Hi, I'm a rabbit keeper from the Philippines, and I started my journey in March 2021. As a man who is passionate about animal welfare, I decided to keep both pet and meat types of rabbits. I believe that both types deserve proper care and attention to thrive. Since starting my rabbit keeping journey, I've been learning as much as I can about rabbit care and nutrition. I'm always looking for ways to improve the living conditions of my rabbits, and I'm constantly seeking out new information to ensure that they are healthy and happy. As a rabbit keeper, I'm excited about the potential of the rabbit industry in the Philippines. I believe that rabbits can be a sustainable source of meat and fur, and I'm looking forward to seeing the industry bloom in the country. With proper management and care, I'm confident that we can make a positive impact on the rabbit industry in the Philippines.